
Friday, July 9, 2021

Stuff Article

 Today in Social studies we have been looking around the topic based on recycling, as you have read the title our focus was on recycling bins and was given questions about this about how lazy recycling is affecting our community and large amounts of waste ending up in recycling bins causing landfills. 

What % of rubbish can cause a recycling truck to be dumped?
Trucks containing more than 10% rubbish have to dump their content 
What is going into people's recycling bins?
At this point of moment people are STILL putting contents of rubbish which belongs to the red bin, such things that end up in the yellow bin which cannot be recycled are: Large household materials, heavy appliances, bagged waste, soft plastics and other contaminated wastes. 
What is the current penalty?
So far the council have been trying and putting huge amounts of effort into getting people to recycle properly again. Due to the fact that it hasn't been working out they now confiscate bins and has sent out at least 2500 final warning letters, the council has removed around 664 bins in the last nine months. Although 153 bins have been returned. But in order to get the bins back people have to now pay $97.65 and also sign a statement promising to accept and acknowledge by the rules. 
Stuff Article

EcoCentral has been dealing with a lot of contaminated recycling waste in the past year.