
Friday, June 11, 2021

Similes and Metaphors

Copy these sentences onto your blog and highlight the simile in each:

1. My bedroom was as black as a cave in the depths of the earth. 
2. The classroom after school became as noisy as a gaggle of gabby geese. 

3. The cat capered along the fence top like a tightrope walker on the hire wire.  
4. My anger crashed into me like waves against the shore.

Use a word from the box to complete each Simile                                                Silk
1. The cloth was as black as Coal                                                                        Kitten
2. The wet ball was as slippery as an Eel                                                              Coal
3. My little sister is as playful as a Kitten                                                               Eel
4. The table was as smooth as Silk                                                                       Snow
5. I've been busy as a Bee   
6. The lamb is as white as Snow 

For each of these sentences is it a simile or a metaphor?

  1. As slippery as an eel. - Simile

  2. Arnie was a man-mountain. - Metaphor

  3. He was a lion in battle. - Metaphor 

  4. She is as pretty as a picture. - Simile

  5. The striker was a goal machine. - Metaphor

  6. The torch lit up the room as if the sun had already risen early. - Metaphor

  7. The moon was a misty shadow. - Metaphor

  8. My friend has a face like thunder. - Metaphor

. The Light was as bright as the Sun
. The boy was as fast as a Cheetah
. The bed was as soft as a Animals coat of Fur
. The man was mysterious as a crow
. The girl was as soft toned as a Angel
. The man was as solid as a mountain.


The Hunters Swoop

1x Sentence top left - The black tendrils of branches tangle into the mist

1x Sentence top right - The withered branches rise to see another day through the ominous fog

1x Sentence bottom - The dark murky water, depressingly still as if it were one of the scarce trees

2-3 Sentences -   


Its written in the stars

April 20 - May 20
Taurus people, despite the hard working Bull like name
are actually quite the opposite. Taurus people actually like to relax and 
may seem lazy sometimes as well. But in all, Taurus people are really good
and easy people to get along with. Just don't expect them to 
do that much.

August 23 - September 22 
Virgos are logical, practical and systematic in their approach 
to life. They aren't afraid to improve skills and may 
get a bit too prideful at times. But to sum it all up, Virgos 
are nice and itelligent people to be around with in life
and will come in handy when it comes to Homework.

October 23 - November 21
Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. 
Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for fire sign. Which is why most Scorpio are seen as mysterious people as to why no on really understands the sign. 
So if you ever know a Scorpio, look out and watch what they might do.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Tourism, Social Studies Unit

Is eco-tourism the solution in saving our oceans – Traversing the globe one  problem at a time

What is Eco Tourism?, Ecotourism is catering for tourists wishing to experience the natural environment without damaging it or disturbing its habitats. It is a form of tourism involving responsible travel to natural areas, conserving the environment, and improving the well-being of the local people.

Why is it a growing trend?, Why is ecotourism growing in popularity? Lee Choon Loong: The popularity of ecotourism is fueled by greater public awareness of the negative impacts of tourism be it on the destination or natural environment 

How can Tourism help our oceans?, Marine Tourism
There are countless ways that travelers can explore our planet's oceans and reefs – from diving and snorkeling to sailing and surfing. The seas also provide delicious seafood which is enjoyed by tourists and locals alike.

How Marine Conservation and Tourism Can Save Our Planet - Regenerative  Travel